I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since I received the trademark registration of the term
Lifestylist! I had been using the term for quite awhile as the definition of what I do, then a wonderful mentor recommended that I trademark the term to protect it. Wonderful advice, and it has been a decision that I have never regretted.
I bought my first domain names when we were still using dial up connections and no one had a clue what to do with a name after you bought it. Again I have been very fortunate to have great advisers around me and because of them I own some very powerful domain names. As
YouTube and LinkedIn began to become important, I discovered social media. Most of my clients are on shoestring budgets, so introducing them to the power of social media and how it can help them develop their brands and businesses was a great way to help them stretch their marketing dollars.
So what is a
Social Media Lifestylist? That would be me!
Lifestylist® Suzanne Felber has been recognized as the go-to person for developing social media programs that will produce results. Her
Lifestylist.TV Channel features interviews with lifestyle issues and concerns including puppy mills and the
groups dedicated to closing them down,
home builders, fund raising homes, and some amazing interviews yet to come! You can also find us at:
www.socialmedialifestylist.net, and
www.socialmedialifestylist.info. This
Lifestylist® is against buying designer dogs and is all about rescue, so if you read something else it's incorrect.
The first advice I always give to my clients is to be sure and purchase any domain names that might have to do with your brand, and this is why we have the Social Media Lifestylist domains.
We also believe in giving back to the communities we love and we handle the social media for the
USA Film Festival,
HomeAid / Home Builders Care Dallas,
Chef Joanne Bondy,
Photographer Lisa Stewart and
Jack's Backyard. Future projects include Legal Honesty and some others we can't talk about yet :)
So if you are looking for a
Social Media Lifestylist® to make your brand come alive, accept no imitations - it's a decision you won't regret.